beth searcy

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Our Packages

$300 Average Investment

The Babies investment encompasses the journey from maternity to the milestones of your newborn's first year. It encompasses every stage of your child's development and celebrates all facets of motherhood.


milestone packages

maternity packages

$300 Average Investment

Time goes by so fast and you don't know how true that statement is until your are watching your babies grow. With the investments included with family you will be able to capture all those memories and moments. 

The days are long but the years are short. Pause time to cherish the moment forever. 


$300 Average Investment

Your child's senior year might be one of the most precious times in life. Your child is in the transition to adulthood and as exciting as it is for your child it can be one of the most bittersweet phases of parenthood.


i can't wait to learn more about the special moments in your life that you want to capture forever.